Pincode of Kalighat

The pincode of Kalighat is 744202

About Kalighat

Kalighat, with the postal code 744202, is located in the North & Middle Andaman district of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. While I don’t have specific details about Kalighat, it is likely to be a locality within this region, known for its natural beauty and diverse landscapes.

The 744202 postal code places Kalighat within the administrative district of North & Middle Andaman, indicating its location and local governance structure. To discover more about Kalighat, including any local attractions, cultural points of interest, or recent developments, it is recommended to check with local authorities, community resources, or official tourism channels specific to the North & Middle Andaman region.

As the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are renowned for their pristine beaches, tropical forests, and unique biodiversity, Kalighat may offer visitors an opportunity to experience the natural wonders and cultural richness of this archipelago. Whether it’s exploring scenic landscapes or immersing oneself in the local culture, Kalighat may contribute to the overall charm of the North & Middle Andaman district.

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