Happy Children`s Day Speech , Message , Quotes , Poster in English| 14th Novemeber 2023

Children`s Day is celebrated on 14th Novemeber. 14th Novemeber is the birth date of Jawaharlal Nehru who was the first Prime Minister of India. Jawaharlal Nehru liked kids a lot. That is why 14th November is celebrated as Children`s Day every year. Children`s  are future of the country hence it is very important that our younger generation is guided towards the right direction. Every year on children`s day a lot of events are organised all over India. There are many programs organised to celebrate childrens day. This article covers a lot of things like Children`s day speeches, Children`s day quotes ,Children`s day wishes, Children`s day posters and Children`s day quiz.

Children`s Day Speech in English

This section deals with Children`s Day Speech. Often people have to be present as a speaker and they have to deliver some speech on Children`s Day. So this part has many Children`s day speeches which you can use. You can modify these speeches according to your liking.

Children`s Day Speech in English 1

Ladies and gentlemen, respected teachers, parents, and, most importantly, our dear children,

A very warm and cheerful greeting to each and every one of you on this special occasion of Children’s Day!

Today, we gather here not only to celebrate the existence of these vibrant, energetic, and hopeful souls but also to acknowledge the immense potential that lies within each child. Children are the architects of the future, the bearers of dreams, and the embodiment of innocence and curiosity. It is fitting that we set aside this day to honor them, appreciate them, and reflect on the importance of nurturing their growth.

Children’s Day is not just a day of festivity; it is a reminder of our responsibility towards these young minds. It is a call to action to provide them with a safe, supportive, and stimulating environment where they can learn, explore, and develop into well-rounded individuals.

Education is the key to unlocking a child’s potential. As we celebrate today, let us pledge to prioritize education and make it accessible to every child. Knowledge empowers, and it is through education that we can shape a future where every child has the opportunity to fulfill their dreams.

Beyond academics, let us also encourage the holistic development of our children. Let them indulge in arts, sports, and other extracurricular activities that not only enhance their skills but also foster creativity, teamwork, and discipline.

Remember, children are like sponges, absorbing everything around them. It is our duty to ensure that they are exposed to positive influences and values. In a world that is constantly evolving, let us teach them the importance of kindness, empathy, and respect for diversity.

On this Children’s Day, let us celebrate the uniqueness of each child. Let us appreciate their laughter, their inquisitive minds, and the joy they bring into our lives. As adults, let us strive to be good role models, guiding them with love, understanding, and patience.

In conclusion, let us not just celebrate Children’s Day today but make a commitment to celebrate and nurture the spirit of childhood every day. Let us create an environment where our children can flourish, dream big, and become the leaders, innovators, and compassionate individuals of tomorrow.

Thank you, and Happy Children’s Day!

Children`s Day Speech in English 2

Good [morning/afternoon/evening] everyone,

I stand before you today with a deep sense of gratitude and admiration as we celebrate this special occasion dedicated to our wonderful children.

Childhood is a magical time filled with laughter, curiosity, and boundless energy. However, it is also a period of growth and learning, where children encounter challenges that help shape their character. Today, I want to reflect on the importance of resilience in the lives of our young ones.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, to face adversity with courage, and to navigate the twists and turns that life inevitably brings. It is a quality that not only helps individuals overcome obstacles but also enables them to thrive in the face of adversity.

As parents, teachers, and guardians, we play a crucial role in instilling resilience in our children. Instead of shielding them from every challenge, let us empower them to develop problem-solving skills, emotional intelligence, and a strong sense of self-belief. It’s essential to teach them that failure is not a roadblock but a stepping stone towards success.

Encourage our children to embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Share stories of resilience, of individuals who faced hardships and emerged stronger. Let them know that setbacks are a natural part of life and that what truly matters is how one responds to them.

In our fast-paced, ever-changing world, resilience is a valuable life skill that will serve our children well in the future. Equip them with the ability to adapt to new situations, to learn from mistakes, and to persevere in the pursuit of their goals.

Moreover, let us create an environment where our children feel supported and valued. A nurturing community fosters a sense of security, which is the foundation upon which resilience is built. As adults, let’s lead by example, demonstrating resilience in our own lives and showing them that it’s okay to ask for help when needed.

In celebrating our children today, let’s also celebrate their resilience. Let’s recognize and appreciate the strength they demonstrate as they navigate the challenges of growing up.

In conclusion, let us commit ourselves to fostering resilience in our children. Through our collective efforts, we can empower them to face the future with confidence, courage, and the unwavering belief that they can overcome whatever comes their way.

Thank you, and Happy Children’s Day!


Children`s Day Speech in English 3

Good [morning/afternoon/evening], esteemed guests, parents, teachers, and our incredible young minds,

Today, as we come together to celebrate Children’s Day, let us take a moment to marvel at the boundless wellspring of imagination and creativity that resides within every child.

Children are the architects of dreams, the painters of vibrant worlds, and the storytellers of fantastical tales. In their minds, the possibilities are endless, and the impossible is just a challenge waiting to be conquered. It is this spirit of imagination that fuels innovation, fosters curiosity, and lays the foundation for a future filled with possibilities.

Imagination is not just a whimsical trait; it is a powerful force that shapes the way we perceive the world and the solutions we create for the challenges that lie ahead. As adults, it is our responsibility to nurture and encourage this gift within our children.

In a world driven by technology and rapid change, fostering creativity is more crucial than ever. Creative thinking is the catalyst for progress, the spark that ignites innovation. Let us provide our children with the tools and opportunities to explore their creative instincts, whether through arts, sciences, or any other avenue where their imaginations can take flight.

Encourage them to ask questions, to think outside the box, and to embrace the joy of discovery. Let us create environments that celebrate diversity of thought, where every idea is valued and every child feels empowered to express themselves.

Parents, teachers, and caregivers, you play a pivotal role in shaping the creative landscape of a child’s mind. Be the guides who open doors to new worlds, the mentors who inspire, and the supporters who applaud every stroke of the brush, every written word, and every innovative idea.

As we celebrate Children’s Day, let us also celebrate the power of imagination. Let us recognize that within the minds of these children lies the potential to solve the problems of today and to envision a brighter, more imaginative tomorrow.

In conclusion, let’s pledge to be the champions of creativity. Let’s provide the fertile soil in which the seeds of imagination can grow and flourish. Together, we can nurture a generation of thinkers, dreamers, and creators who will shape the world in ways we can only begin to imagine.

Thank you, and Happy Children’s Day!


Happy Childrens`s Day Quotes in English

Quotes are one of the best way to wish someone. This children`s day wish your students, kids with these amazing children`s day quotes. These quotes shower emotions , care and wellbeing of children. You can share these quotes on whatsapp, facebook, instagram and other social media platform.

  1. Children are the anchors that hold a mother to life’s storms. Happy Children’s Day!
  2. May the laughter of children echo in our hearts forever. Wishing you a Happy Children’s Day!
  3. Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together, they make this world a beautiful garden. Happy Children’s Day!
  4. Here’s to the ones who bring joy to our days and warmth to our hearts. Happy Children’s Day!
  5. Let’s celebrate the spirit of innocence and the joy of being a child. Happy Children’s Day!
  6. In the world of little ones, every day is an adventure. Wishing you a Happy Children’s Day filled with laughter and play.
  7. The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. Happy Children’s Day!
  8. To the little stars who light up our lives, Happy Children’s Day! Shine on brightly.
  9. Children are the rainbow of life. May your day be as colorful and joyful as their laughter. Happy Children’s Day!
  10. Let’s nurture the child in every heart and celebrate the innocence that makes life beautiful. Happy Children’s Day!
  11. Children are like the sunshine that brightens our days. Happy Children’s Day to these little rays of joy!
  12. In the book of life, the most beautiful chapters are written in the language of a child’s laughter. Happy Children’s Day!
  13. To the ones who teach us that happiness can be found in the simplest of things, Happy Children’s Day!
  14. Children are the melody in the symphony of life. Wishing you a Happy Children’s Day filled with beautiful tunes!
  15. May the dreams of every child be as limitless as the sky. Happy Children’s Day!
  16. Childhood is a masterpiece of imagination and heart. Happy Children’s Day to the little artists of life!”
  17. A child’s laughter is the sweetest melody. May your day be filled with the music of joy. Happy Children’s Day!
  18. To the ones who turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. Happy Children’s Day!
  19. Children are the stars that light up the darkest nights. Happy Children’s Day to these little beacons of hope!
  20. May the playground of life always be filled with laughter and play. Happy Children’s Day!
  21. Children are the true architects of a better tomorrow. Happy Children’s Day, building dreams one smile at a time!
  22. In the garden of life, children are the most vibrant flowers. Wishing you a Happy Children’s Day filled with the colors of joy!
  23. To the little ones who turn ordinary days into extraordinary adventures. Happy Children’s Day, may your journey be as magical as your imagination!
  24. Children are the heartbeats that make our world pulsate with love. Happy Children’s Day, may your hearts beat with endless joy!
  25. To the bundles of joy who teach us that happiness is not in possessions but in the purity of a smile. Happy Children’s Day!
  26. Childhood is the treasure chest of memories we carry into adulthood. Happy Children’s Day, may your chest be filled with priceless moments!
  27. Wishing a Happy Children’s Day to the dreamers, the storytellers, and the future shapers. Your potential is as boundless as your imagination!
  28. Children are the song of life that never fades away. Happy Children’s Day, keep singing your beautiful melody!
  29. In the world of children, every day is a canvas waiting to be painted with the colors of joy. Happy Children’s Day, little artists!
  30. To the little sparks that light up our lives and make everything brighter. Happy Children’s Day, may your days be as radiant as your smiles!

Happy Children`s Day Quotes by Jawaharlal Nehru

  1. “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country. Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Jawaharlal Nehru
  2. “The only way to reform them (children) is to win them over with love. So long as a child is unfriendly, you can’t mend his ways.Happy Children`s Day ! ” –Jawaharlal Nehru
  3. “The vast army of children in our country, outwardly different kinds of dress, of habits and of speech, internal yet one people, move with a common rhythm towards one goal, and that goal is the future of India. Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Jawaharlal Nehru
  4. “The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country. Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Jawaharlal Nehru
  5. “Children are like buds in a garden and should be carefully and lovingly nurtured, as they are the future of the nation and the citizens of tomorrow. Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Jawaharlal Nehru
  6. “To be successful in life, what you need is education, and for that, you have to respect your parents and teachers.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Jawaharlal Nehru
  7. “The prime duty of the State is to look after the welfare of the children, to ensure that opportunities for education and culture should be accessible to them, that childhood and youth should be protected against exploitation and against moral and material abandonment.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Jawaharlal Nehru

Happy Children`s Day Quotes by Famous People

  1. “While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about. Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Angela Schwindt
  2. “Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Jess Lair
  3. “Every child begins the world anew, bringing possibilities for both good and ill.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Phyllis Brooks
  4. “Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Neil Postman
  5. “Children are the hands by which we take hold of heaven.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Henry Ward Beecher
  6. “Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – John F. Kennedy
  7. “Children are like a wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Dr. Haim Ginott
  8. “The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Billy Graham
  9. “A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be curious, and to fight tirelessly for something.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Paulo Coelho
  10. “Children make your life important.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Erma Bombeck

Happy Children`s Day Quotes with Images in Enlgish

Happy Children`s Day Quote 1

Happy Children`s Day Quote 1

Happy Children`s Day Quote

Happy Children`s Day Quote

Happy Children`s Day Quote

Happy Children`s Day Quote

Happy Children`s Day Quote

Happy Children`s Day Quote

Happy Children`s Day Quote

Happy Children`s Day Quote

Happy Children`s Day Quote

Happy Children`s Day Quote

Happy Children`s day picture

“Every child begins the world anew, bringing possibilities for both good and ill.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Phyllis Brooks



Happy Children`s day pic

“Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Neil Postman

Happy Children`s Day pic

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – John F. Kennedy

Happy Children`s Day pic

“Children are like a wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Dr. Haim Ginott

Happy Childrens day

“The greatest legacy one can pass on to one’s children and grandchildren is not money or other material things accumulated in one’s life, but rather a legacy of character and faith.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Billy Graham

Happy Children`s Day pic

“A child can teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be curious, and to fight tirelessly for something.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Paulo Coelho

Happy Children`s Day pic

“Children make your life important.Happy Children`s Day ! ” – Erma Bombeck

Happy Children`s Day pic

The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence. Happy Children’s Day!

Happy Children`s Day pic

Childhood is the treasure chest of memories we carry into adulthood. Happy Children’s Day, may your chest be filled with priceless moments!

Happy Children`s Day pic

In the world of children, every day is a canvas waiting to be painted with the colors of joy. Happy Children’s Day, little artists!

Happy Children`s Day pic

In the world of children, every day is a canvas waiting to be painted with the colors of joy. Happy Children’s Day, little artists!

Happy Children`s Day wishes in English

Wishes are one of the best way to celebrare an event. This children`s day wish your students, kids with these amazing children`s day wishes and messages. These quotes shower emotions , care and wellbeing of children. You can share these messages and wishes on whatsapp, facebook, instagram and other social media platform.

  1. Wishing all the little ones a day filled with laughter, fun, and endless joy. Happy Children’s Day!
  2. May the twinkle in your eyes and the innocence in your heart stay with you forever. Happy Children’s Day!
  3. To the stars of our future, shine on brightly and never stop dreaming. Happy Children’s Day!
  4. Here’s to the bundles of energy, the source of our smiles, and the reason for our laughter. Happy Children’s Day!
  5. May your day be as playful and vibrant as you are. Happy Children’s Day to all the wonderful kids out there!
  6. Wishing you a day filled with toys, games, and all the things that make your heart leap with joy. Happy Children’s Day!
  7. To the little ones who bring warmth to our hearts and joy to our days, Happy Children’s Day!
  8. May your imagination run wild, your dreams reach new heights, and your days be filled with giggles. Happy Children’s Day!
  9. Wishing a day as bright and colorful as your smiles. Happy Children’s Day, little ones!
  10. Here’s to the future leaders, innovators, and dreamers. Happy Children’s Day, may your journey be as extraordinary as you are!
  11. On this special day, may your world be as carefree as your laughter and as boundless as your dreams. Happy Children’s Day!
  12. Wishing the little bundles of joy a day filled with endless play, sweet treats, and lots of love. Happy Children’s Day!
  13. May your day be sprinkled with the magic of childhood and the joy that only you can bring. Happy Children’s Day!
  14. To the superheroes in training, may your capes always flutter in the wind of imagination. Happy Children’s Day!
  15. Here’s to the mischief-makers, the joy-bringers, and the heart-stealers. Happy Children’s Day, may your day be as amazing as you are!
  16. May your day be painted with the colors of happiness and the brushstrokes of playful moments. Happy Children’s Day!
  17. On this special occasion, I wish you a day filled with teddy bear hugs, sweet surprises, and endless fun. Happy Children’s Day!
  18. Wishing you a day where the playground of life is your canvas, and every moment is a masterpiece. Happy Children’s Day!
  19. May your day be sprinkled with the laughter of friends, the sweetness of treats, and the magic of imagination. Happy Children’s Day!
  20. To the tiny tots who light up our world, wishing you a day as bright and wonderful as your smiles. Happy Children’s Day!
  21. On this special day, may your world be as carefree as your laughter and as boundless as your dreams. Happy Children’s Day!
  22. Wishing the little bundles of joy a day filled with endless play, sweet treats, and lots of love. Happy Children’s Day!
  23. May your day be sprinkled with the magic of childhood and the joy that only you can bring. Happy Children’s Day!
  24. To the superheroes in training, may your capes always flutter in the wind of imagination. Happy Children’s Day!
  25. Here’s to the mischief-makers, the joy-bringers, and the heart-stealers. Happy Children’s Day, may your day be as amazing as you are!
  26. May your day be painted with the colors of happiness and the brushstrokes of playful moments. Happy Children’s Day!
  27. On this special occasion, I wish you a day filled with teddy bear hugs, sweet surprises, and endless fun. Happy Children’s Day!”
  28. Wishing you a day where the playground of life is your canvas, and every moment is a masterpiece. Happy Children’s Day!
  29. May your day be sprinkled with the laughter of friends, the sweetness of treats, and the magic of imagination. Happy Children’s Day!
  30. To the tiny tots who light up our world, wishing you a day as bright and wonderful as your smiles. Happy Children’s Day!
  31. Wishing the little stars of our lives a day filled with playfulness, wonder, and the sweetest surprises. Happy Children’s Day!
  32. May your day be filled with endless laughter, boundless energy, and the pure joy that only children can bring. Happy Children’s Day!
  33. To the tiny tots who color our world with happiness, may your day be as vibrant and delightful as you are. Happy Children’s Day!
  34. Here’s to the future, to the dreamers, and to the ones who make every day brighter. Happy Children’s Day, little ones!
  35. May your day be sprinkled with the stardust of imagination and the magic of carefree moments. Happy Children’s Day!
  36. Wishing the young minds a day filled with curiosity, adventure, and the thrill of discovering new wonders. Happy Children’s Day!
  37. On this special day, may your laughter echo, your dreams soar, and your heart dance with joy. Happy Children’s Day!
  38. To the little explorers of life, may your journey be filled with exciting discoveries and happy surprises. Happy Children’s Day!
  39. Wishing the angels in our lives a day as sweet as chocolate, as colorful as a rainbow, and as delightful as your smiles. Happy Children’s Day!
  40. May your day be wrapped in the warmth of love, the joy of friendship, and the excitement of being a child. Happy Children’s Day!

Happy Children`s Day Poster in English

Happy Children`s Day

Happy Children`s Day Poster

Happy Children`s Day Poster

Happy Children`s Day Poster

Jawaharlal Nehru Quote

Jawaharlal Nehru Quote

Happy Children`s Day Quiz in English

If you are hosting a children`s day party and then it would be great to keep a quiz. Children`s day quiz is an amazing way to interact with fellow children`s , students, teachers , parents. These quiz help increase the bond between students, teachers , parents and kids. Answers are given at the end of every quiz.

Children’s Day Quiz 1:

Question 1:

What is the date of Children’s Day in many countries, including India, in honor of Jawaharlal Nehru’s birthday? a) November 14 b) October 31 c) June 1 d) April 23

Question 2:

Who was the first Prime Minister of India, often referred to as Chacha Nehru, in whose honor Children’s Day is celebrated? a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Sardar Patel c) Jawaharlal Nehru d) Indira Gandhi

Question 3:

What is the international organization that promotes and protects children’s rights, including the right to education, health, and safety? a) UNICEF b) UNESCO c) WHO d) WFP

Question 4:

In literature, who is the author of the famous children’s book series “Harry Potter”? a) J.R.R. Tolkien b) Roald Dahl c) J.K. Rowling d) Enid Blyton

Question 5:

Which Disney character is known for leaving a glass slipper at a royal ball? a) Cinderella b) Belle c) Ariel d) Mulan

Question 6:

What is the name of the bear in A.A. Milne’s beloved children’s stories? a) Paddington b) Winnie the Pooh c) Baloo d) Yogi

Question 7:

What is the name of the famous animated film about toys coming to life when humans are not around? a) Toy Story b) Finding Nemo c) Shrek d) The Lion King

Question 8:

In which classic fairy tale does a girl with a red hood encounter a wolf in the woods? a) Cinderella b) Sleeping Beauty c) Little Red Riding Hood d) Snow White

Question 9:

Who wrote the famous children’s book “The Cat in the Hat”? a) J.K. Rowling b) Dr. Seuss c) Beatrix Potter d) Maurice Sendak

Question 10:

Which planet is known as the “Red Planet” and has been a subject of fascination for space enthusiasts of all ages? a) Jupiter b) Mars c) Venus d) Saturn


  1. a) November 14
  2. c) Jawaharlal Nehru
  3. a) UNICEF
  4. c) J.K. Rowling
  5. a) Cinderella
  6. b) Winnie the Pooh
  7. a) Toy Story
  8. c) Little Red Riding Hood
  9. b) Dr. Seuss
  10. b) Mars

Children’s Day Quiz 2:

Question 11:

Which planet is known as the “Blue Planet” due to its abundance of water? a) Earth b) Mars c) Venus d) Jupiter

Question 12:

What is the name of the famous animated fish who is searching for her lost son in the movie “Finding Nemo”? a) Dory b) Marlin c) Squirt d) Nemo

Question 13:

In the classic fairy tale “Hansel and Gretel,” what do the children leave as a trail to find their way back home? a) Pebbles b) Bread crumbs c) Flowers d) Shells

Question 14:

Who is the famous wizard known for his long white beard, pointy hat, and magical staff in “The Lord of the Rings” series? a) Dumbledore b) Gandalf c) Merlin d) Saruman

Question 15:

What is the name of the little wooden boy who comes to life in the story “Pinocchio”? a) Jiminy Cricket b) Geppetto c) Figaro d) Pinocchio

Question 16:

Which character in “Alice in Wonderland” is known for his constant time-worrying habits? a) The Cheshire Cat b) The Mad Hatter c) The White Rabbit d) The Queen of Hearts

Question 17:

What is the name of the young boy who never grows up in J.M. Barrie’s “Peter Pan”? a) John Darling b) Michael Darling c) Peter Pan d) Wendy Darling

Question 18:

In the world of Pokémon, what is the name of the iconic electric-type Pokémon that evolves from Pikachu? a) Charmander b) Jigglypuff c) Raichu d) Bulbasaur

Question 19:

Who is the author of the popular children’s book series “Matilda” and “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”? a) Roald Dahl b) Enid Blyton c) Beatrix Potter d) C.S. Lewis

Question 20:

What is the name of the space ranger action figure in the “Toy Story” movies? a) Woody b) Buzz Lightyear c) Mr. Potato Head d) Slinky Dog


  1. a) Earth
  2. a) Dory
  3. b) Bread crumbs
  4. b) Gandalf
  5. d) Pinocchio
  6. c) The White Rabbit
  7. c) Peter Pan
  8. c) Raichu
  9. a) Roald Dahl
  10. b) Buzz Lightyear

Children’s Day Quiz 3

Question 21:

What is the name of the young wizard who attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the “Harry Potter” series? a) Ron Weasley b) Hermione Granger c) Harry Potter d) Draco Malfoy

Question 22:

Which animal is known as the ‘King of the Jungle’? a) Elephant b) Lion c) Tiger d) Giraffe

Question 23:

Who is the famous character known for his adventures with a honey-loving bear and other friends in the Hundred Acre Wood? a) Christopher Robin b) Tigger c) Piglet d) Eeyore

Question 24:

What is the capital city of the United States? a) London b) Paris c) Washington, D.C. d) Rome

Question 25:

Which planet is known as the “Blue Planet” and is the third planet from the sun in our solar system? a) Earth b) Venus c) Jupiter d) Mars

Question 26:

In the fairy tale, what did Cinderella leave behind at the royal ball? a) Glass Slipper b) Golden Crown c) Diamond Necklace d) Silver Spoon

Question 27:

Who is the famous children’s author of “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”? a) Eric Carle b) Dr. Seuss c) Roald Dahl d) Beatrix Potter

Question 28:

Which ocean is the largest on Earth? a) Atlantic Ocean b) Indian Ocean c) Southern Ocean d) Pacific Ocean

Question 29:

In which classic fairy tale does a wooden puppet come to life? a) Cinderella b) Sleeping Beauty c) Pinocchio d) Beauty and the Beast

Question 30:

What is the capital city of Japan? a) Beijing b) Tokyo c) Seoul d) Bangkok


  1. c) Harry Potter
  2. b) Lion
  3. a) Christopher Robin
  4. c) Washington, D.C.
  5. a) Earth
  6. a) Glass Slipper
  7. a) Eric Carle
  8. d) Pacific Ocean
  9. c) Pinocchio
  10. b) Tokyo


Bookmark this article on Happy Children`s Day Speech , Message , Quotes , Poster in English. This article covers many topics that are helpful for Happy Children`s day event. Feel free to modify any part of the article for personal use. Happy Children`s Day to all 🙂 !

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